Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

We’re talking high-voltage education

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EEE – Facts & Figures


The department of EEE bestowed with Elite students, Eminent Staff and Efficacious Infrastructure is endeavoring in building synergy with Research, Innovation and Education Eco system.


  • EEE Dept. got NBA-Accreditation under Tier-I Category for 06 Years, first of its kind from Academic Year 2021-22 to 2026-27, for UG Program.
  •  EEE Dept. Received its First Consultancy Project titled “Enhancement of Performance of different Renewable Energy Sources using Modern Techniques”Worth Rs. 20, 00000/-(Twenty Lakhs) , from Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a period of 2 years from Academic Year 2022-23 to 2023-24, which is on-going.Dr. T.Sudhakar Babu, Associate Professor  is the Project Investigator.
  • EEE Dept. bagged an International Collaborative Research Project with Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) entitled “IoT based Smart Power Quality Analyzer“ for a period of 2 years from Academic year 2022-23 to 2023-24, with a matching Research grant of MYR 20,000/-which is on-going. Dr. M.Bala SubbaReddy and Dr. T. Sudhakar Babu, Associate Professors are the Research Coordinators
  • EEE Dept. bagged a Research Project titled” An Efficient Low Cost Flexible Quality Conditioner to Mitigate Power Quality Issues ” with a grant of Rs. 11,00,000/-(Eleven Lakhs ) Sponsored by AICTE-Research Promotion Scheme(RPS) for 4 years from 2019-2022 , with Principal Investigator as Dr. M.BalaSubba Reddy, Assoc. Professor.
  • EEE Dept. got Sanctioned an AICTE-MODROBS Project for establishment of “Special Electrical Machines” Lab with a total approved grant-in-aid of Amount Rs.17,39,000/-(Seventeen Lakhs and Thirty Nine Thousand ) in the AY:2017-18,for which Dr. G.Suresh Babu,Professor & Head is the Coordinator and Sri P.Hemeshwar Chary , Asst. Professor is the Co-Cordinator.(File No. 9-57/RIFD/MODROB/Policy-1/2017-18, with AQIS Application id: 1-3555244208).