Online class Video Recordings




B.E/B.Tech V SEM ECE-2


Subject code Subject Name Faculty Name
18EC C15 Computer Architecture and Microprocessors Smt .N. Dhana Lakshmi
18EC C16 Digital Communication Smt.K.S.R.S.Jyothsna
18EC C17 Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Sri.Md.Sikander
18ME C09 Principles of Management Dr.S.Narasimha Kumar
18EC E01 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Smt. J. Mounika
18EC E03 Optical Communication Dr.K.Suman
18EC E04 Telecommunication Switching Systems Sri.P.Chandra Sekhar
18CS O05 Fundamentals of Virtual Reality Smt.N.Ramadevi
18IT O01 Object Oriented Programming using Java Ms.Ch.Mamatha
18MT O04 Quantum Computing Dr.P.Raj Reddy
18EC C18 Digital Communication Lab Smt.K.S.R.S.Jyothsna
18EC C19 Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Lab Sri.Md.Sikander