6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years.
Newly Admitted Students and their Parents can avail College Transport for attending Orientation Program scheduled tomorrow i.e., 04-09-2023 at 9:30 a.m in college premises.
ET Campus Stars 6.0 2022-23
Congratulations on a stupendous achievement of Dhruv saxena,CSE,3rd year at ET Campus Stars 6.0 – India’s largest hunt for the brightest engineering talent.
Welcome to CBIT!! Your journey toward a brighter future starts from NOW ON!! With US…. The Management,Faculty and Staff cordially invite parents and students to the Freshers(B.E/B.Tech Admitted under 'A' and 'B' Categories) Orientation Program on November 4th,2022, 10:00 A.M at CBIT.
'A' Category (Convener Quota) Spot Admissions
Welcome to CBIT!! Your journey toward a brighter future starts from NOW ON!! With US…. The Management,Faculty and Staff cordially invite parents and students to the Freshers(B.E/B.Tech) Orientation Program on November 4th,2022, 9:00 A.M at CBIT.