Examination Notification
CBIT Attendance condonation Fee payment step by step process
Notified on 08.03.2025B.E & B.Tech VI Sem (Main) R22 B.E & B.Tech V Sem (Suppl) R22 B.E & B.Tech IV Sem (Main & Backlog) R22 B.E & B.Tech III Sem (Suppl & Backlog) R22 B.E & B.Tech I Sem & II Sem (Backlog) R22 B.E & B.Tech Equivalent Subjects / Bridge Course (Backlog) R22 (who are eligible) B.E & B.Tech VIII Sem (Main & Backlog) R20 B.E & B.Tech I Sem to VII Sem (Backlog) R20 B.E & B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlog) R18 (2019-20 batch only) (2018-19 batch who have granted permission by the Governing body) B.E & B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlog) R16 (2016-17 & 2017-18 batches who have granted permission by the Governing body) B.E & B.Tech Equivalent Subjects / Bridge Course (Backlog) R20 (who are eligible) MBA IV Sem (Main) R23 MBA IV Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only) MBA III Sem (Suppl / Backlog) R23 / R20 MBA II Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only) MBA I Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only) MCA IV Sem (Main) R23 MCA IV Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only) MCA III Sem (Suppl / Backlog) R23 / R20 MCA II Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only) MCA I Sem (Backlog) R20 (2021-22 & 2022-23 Batches only Notified on 22.02.2025 Physical Verification Notification for B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (R18 & R20) (Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech II-Sem (R18,R20 & R22) (Backlog), B.E/B.Tech III to VIII-Sem (R18, R20)(Backlogs) Revaluation Notification for B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (R18 & R20) (Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech II-Sem (R18,R20 & R22) (Backlog), B.E/B.Tech III to VIII-Sem (R18, R20)(Backlogs) Notified on 19.02.2025 Examination Notification for M.E/M.Tech II Sem (Make up) R23. Notified on 12.02.2025 Examination Notification of M.E/M.Tech III Sem (Make up) R23. Notified on 11.02.2025 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech III-Sem (R22) (Main & Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech V-Sem (R22) (Main),B.E/B.Tech VII-Sem (R20) (Main & Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech I-Sem Bridge Course (Main & Backlog) R22 & R20 and Equivalent Subjects Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech III-Sem (R22) (Main & Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech V-Sem (R22) (Main), B.E/B.Tech VII-Sem (R20) (Main & Backlogs), B.E/B.Tech I-Sem Bridge Course (Main & Backlog) R22 & R20 and Equivalent Subjects Notified on 10.01.2025 B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlogs) Who have granted permission by the Govering body) for the year 2024-25 M.E/M.Tech I Sem to IV Sem (Backlogs) Who have granted permission by the Govering body) for the year 2024-25 Notified on 06.01.2025 Physical Verification Notification of M.E/M.TECH III-Sem (R23)(Main) Revaluation Notification of M.E/M.TECH III-Sem (R23)(Main) Physical Verification Notification of MCA and MBA III-Sem (R23)(Main) Revalatuon Notification of MCA and MBA III-Sem (R23)(Main) Notified on 20.12.2024 Examination Notification M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Main & Backlog) R23 and M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Backlog) Notified on 30.11.2024 Notification-for-MBA-MCA-I-Sem-Main-Backlogs-R23MBA-MCA-I-Sem-Backlogs-2021-22-2022-23-batches-R20. Notified on 25.11.2024 M.E/ M.Tech IV-Sem Dissertation (Suppl) notification Notified on 07.11.2024 Examination Notification for B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Main) R22A (2024-25 Batch) and B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Backlogs) R22 (2022-23 & 2023-24 batch) Notified on 06.11.2024 Examination Notification for B.E-B.Tech-I to VIII Sem (Backlogs)-R18 (2019-20 batch only) and B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlogs) who have granted permission by the Governing body Notified on 01.11.2024 Physical Verification Notification of Physical Verification of Answer Scripts of B.E/B.Tech II, IV-Sem(R22) (Advance Suppl) and VI-sem (Advance Suppl) R20 Revaluation Notification of Physical Verification of Answer Scripts of B.E/B.Tech II, IV-Sem(R22) (Advance Suppl) and VI-sem (Advance Suppl) R20 Notified on 15.10.2024 Examination Notification for MBA & MCA-III Semester (MAIN & BACKLOGS) R23 Notified on 14.10.2024 Examination Notification for BE-BTech-III,V (R22) & VII Sem (R20) (Main), II &III-SEM (R22) Backlog, I TO V-Sem (Backlog) R20, I to VIII-sem (Backlog) R20, III,V & VII-Equivalent(Main/Supple/Backlog)R18,R20&R23, Bridge Course III-sem (Main&Backlog) R22,R20 NOV 2024. Notified on 04.10.2024 Revised Examination Notification for M.E/M.TECH III-SEM (Main) R23 & (Backlog) - R20 Notified on 19.09.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech I-Sem to V-Sem (Backlogs) R20, B.E/B.Tech VIII-Sem (Makeup) R20 and B.E/B.Tech I/IV I-Sem to IV/IV II-Sem (Backlogs)R13, B.E/B.Tech I-Sem to VIII-Sem (Backlogs) R16, R18, Bridge Course and Equivalent Subjects Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech I-Sem to V-Sem (Backlogs) R20, B.E/B.Tech VIII-Sem (Makeup) R20 and B.E/B.Tech I/IV I-Sem to IV/IV II-Sem (Backlogs)R13, B.E/B.Tech I-Sem to VIII-Sem (Backlogs) R16, R18, Bridge Course and Equivalent Subjects Notified on 12.09.2024 Advance Suppl Notification for B.E/B.TECH II-SEM(R22) 2023-24 Batch only Notified on 12.09.2024
Physical Verification Notification of MBA II-Sem (Main) R23, MBA I-Sem(Suppl) R23 Revaluation Notification of MBA II-Sem (Main) R23, MBA I-Sem(Suppl) R23 Physical Verification Notification MCA II-Sem (Main) R23, MCA I-Sem(Suppl)R23 and MCA II-Sem (Backlogs) R20 Revaluation Notification of MCA II-Sem (Main) R23, MCA I-Sem(Suppl)R23 and MCA II-Sem (Backlogs) R20 Notified on 03.09.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech II-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R22, B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (Supple & Backlogs) R22 and B.E/B.Tech III-sem (Suppl) R22 Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech II-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R22, B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (Supple & Backlogs) R22 and B.E/B.Tech III-sem (Suppl) R22 Notified on 02.09.2024 Advance Supple Notification of B.E/B.Tech IV-Sem (R22) and VI-Sem (R20) Notified on 14.08.2024 Physical Verification Notification of M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Main) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-sem (Suppl) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-sem, II-Sem and III –Sem (Backlogs) R20 Revaluation Notification of M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Main) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-sem (Suppl) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-sem, II-Sem and III –Sem (Backlogs) R20 Notified on 09.08.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech IV-Sem (Main) R22 and VI-sem (Main & Backlogs) R20 Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech IV-Sem (Main) R22 and VI-sem (Main & Backlogs) R20 Notified on 24.07.2024 Physical Verification Notification of MBA IV-Sem(Main) R20, MBA III-Sem(Suppl) R20 Revaluation Notification of MBA IV-Sem(Main) R20, MBA III-Sem(Suppl) R20 Notified on 27.06.2024 Examination Notification of B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Make up) R20 Notified on 14.06.2024 Physical Verification Notification of MCA IV-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R20, MCA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20, MCA II-Sem(Backlogs) R20 and MCA III-Sem (Supple & Backlogs)R20 Revaluation Notification of MCA IV-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R20, MCA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20, MCA II-Sem(Backlogs) R20 and MCA III-Sem (Supple & Backlogs)R20 Notified on 05.06.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech VIII-sem (Main) R20, B. E /B.Tech VII-Sem (SUPPLE) R20 Revaluation Notifications of B.E/B.Tech VIII-Sem (Main) R20, B. E /B.Tech VII-Sem (SUPPLE) R20 Notified on 21.05.2024 M.E/M.Tech IV-Sem (R20) Main Examination Notification Notified on 09.05.2024 M.E/M.Tech I-Sem (R23) and III-Sem (R20) Make up Examination Notification Notified on 25.04.2024 B.E/B.Tech I/IV I Sem to IV/IV II Sem (Backlogs) R13 (2015-16 Batch only who have granted permission by the Governing Body Notified on 02.04.2024 B.E/B.Tech II Sem (Main) R22 B.E/B.Tech II Sem (Backlogs) R22 B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Suppl/Backlogs) R22 B.E/B.Tech IV Sem (Main) R22 B.E/B.Tech III Sem (Supple) R22 B.E/B.Tech VI Sem (Main) R20 B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VI Sem (Suppl/Backlog) R20 Equivalent Subjects / Bridge Course Subjects who are eligible MBA II Sem (Main) and I Sem (Suppl)-R23 (Only 2023 Batch) MCA II Sem (Main) and I Sem (Suppl)-R23 (Only 2023 Batch) MCA IV Sem (Main & Backlog) and III Sem (Suppl/Backlog)-R20 (2020,21 & 22 Batches only) MCA I & II Sem (Backlog)-R20 (2020, 21& 22 Batches only) MBA IV Sem (Main & Backlog) and III Sem (Suppl/Backlog)-R20(2020,21 & 22 Batches only) MBA I & II Sem (Backlog)-R20(2020, 21 & 22 Batches only) M.E/M.Tech II Sem (Main)-R23(Only 2023 Batch) M.E/M.Tech II Sem (Backlogs)-R20(2020,21& 22 Batches only) Notified on 01.04.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R22, B.E I/IV II-Sem to IV/IV I-Sem (One Time Chance) R13, B.E VII-Sem (R16), Equivalent Subjects and Bridge Course Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech I-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R22, B.E I/IV II-Sem to IV/IV I-Sem (One Time Chance) R13, B.E VII-Sem (R16), Equivalent Subjects and Bridge Course Notified on 28.03.2024 Physical Verification Notification of M.E/M.Tech III-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R20, M.E/M.Tech I-Sem (Main) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-Sem (Backlogs) R20 Revaluation Notification of M.E/M.Tech III-Sem (Main & Backlogs) R20, M.E/M.Tech I-Sem (Main) R23, M.E/M.Tech I-Sem (Backlogs) R20 Notified on 21.03.2024 Physical Verification Notification of MCA III-Sem (Main & Backlogs)R20, MCA I-Sem(Main) R23, MCA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20 & R16 and MBA III-Sem (Main & Backlogs)R20, MBA I-Sem(Main) R23, MBA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20 Revaluation Notification of MCA III-Sem (Main & Backlogs)R20,MCA I-Sem(Main) R23, MCA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20 & R16 and MBA III-Sem (Main & Backlogs)R20, MBA I-Sem(Main) R23, MBA I-Sem(Backlogs) R20 Notified on 09.03.2024 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech V-sem (Main) R20, B.E/B.Tech III-sem (Main) R22, B.E/B.Tech I to VI-sem (Supple/Backlog) R20, B.E/B.Tech II-sem(Supple) R22, Bridge course I-sem (Main) R22, Equivalent Subjects Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech V-sem (Main) R20, B.E/B.Tech III-sem (Main) R22, B.E/B.Tech I to VI-sem (Supple/Backlog) R20, B.E/B.Tech II-sem(Supple) R22, Bridge course I-sem (Main) R22, Equivalent Subjects Notified on 05.03.2024 B.E/B.Tech VII Sem (Suppl) & VIII Sem (Main) R20 (2020-21 batch), B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlogs) R18 (2018-19 & 2019-20 batches), B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VIII Sem (Backlogs) R16 (2017-18 batch only who have granted permission by the Governing body),Equivalent Subjects / Bridge Course Subjects who are eligible Notified on 17.02.2024 Physical Verification notification of B.E/B.Tech I to VIII-sem (Backlog) R13,R16,R18 Revaluation notification of B.E/B.Tech I to VIII-sem (Backlog) R13,R16,R18 Notified on 08.01.2024 Revised Notification of B.E/B.Tech One Time Chance Exam Fee Notified on 04.01.2024 Physical Verification Notification B.E/B.Tech VII-sem (Main) R20 Revaluation Notification B.E/B.Tech VII-sem (Main) R20 Physical Verification Notification M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Make up) R20 Revaluation Notification M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Make up) R20 Notified on 31.12.2023 Examination Notification of M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Main) R23, M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Backlog) R20 & M.E/M.Tech III Sem (Main & Backlog) R20 Notified on 19.12.2023 Examination Notification of B.E/B.Tech One Time Chance Exam Notified on 16.12.2023 Revised Examination Notification of MBA I Sem (Main) R23 ,MBA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) & I Sem (Backlogs) R20 ,MCA I Sem (Main) R23 ,MCA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) & I Sem (Backlogs) R20 Notified on 09.12.2023 Examination Notification OF B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Main & Backlogs) R22 Examination Notification MBA I Sem (Main) R23 ,MBA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) & I Sem (Backlogs) R20 , MCA I Sem (Main) R23 ,MCA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) & I Sem (Backlogs) R20 Notified on 21.11.2023 Examination Notification of BE/B.Tech III (Main) R22,B.E/B.Tech II (Supple) R22, B.E/B.Tech V Sem (Main) R20 (2021-22 batch),B.E/B.Tech Equivalent III (Main) R22, B.E/B.Tech , Bridge Course III (Main) R22 Notified on 09.11.2023 M.E/M.Tech II- Semester (Make up) R20 Examination Notification Notified on 18.10.2023 Revaluation Notification M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Main & Backlog) R20 Physical Verification Notification M.E/M.Tech II-sem (Main & Backlog) R20 Notified on 18.10.2023 Revaluation Notification of BE/BTech IV Sem (Main) R20, II Sem(Main)R22, I Sem(Supple)R22 and III Sem (Supple) R20 Physical Verification Notification BE/BTech IV Sem (Main) R20, II Sem(Main)R22, I Sem(Supple)R22 and III Sem (Supple) R20 Notified on 06.10.2023 Revaluation Notification of MCA II Sem & MCA I SEM (MAIN AND I (SUPPLE)) Revaluation Notification of MBA IV & II Sem (MAIN AND I & III (SUPPLE)) Physical verification Notification of MCA II- Sem (MAIN) AND I SUPPLE) OCT 2023 Physical verification Notification of MBA IV - II Sem (MAIN) AND I - III SUPPLE) OCT 2023 Notified on 29.09.2023 Dissertation Notification of M.E/M.TECH IV Sem (Supple) Notified on 27.09.2023 Examination Notification of B.E/B.Tech VII Sem (Main) (2020-21 batch) R20 , B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VI Sem (Suppl/Backlog) (2020-21 batch)) R20, B.E/B.Tech I Sem to IV Sem (Suppl/Backlog) (2021-22 batch) R20 , B.E/B.Tech I Sem to VII Sem (Backlog) (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 batches) R16, R18 , B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Backlog) (2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 batches) R16, R18 , B.E/B.Tech I/IV I Sem to IV/IV II Sem (Backlog) (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 batches) R13 , B.E/B.Tech Equivalent Odd & Even Sem (Supple/Backlog) B.E/B.Tech Bridge Course Odd & Even Sem (Suppl/Backlog) Notified on 16.09.2023 Physical Verification Notification of MCA IV Sem (Main) and I to V-SEM (Supple) Revalution Notification of MCA IV Sem (Main) and I to V-SEM (Supple) Notified on 16.09.2023 Physical Verification Notification of BE/B.Tech I to V Sem(Supply/Backlog)B.E/B.Tech(Equivalent) and Bridge Course. Revaluation Notification of BE/B.Tech I to V Sem (Supply/Backlog)B.E/B.Tech (Equivalent) and Bridge Course. Notified on 01.09.2023 Physical Verification Notifications of B.E/B.Tech VI Sem (Main) R20 Revaluation Notifications of B.E/B.Tech VI Sem (Main) R20 Notified on 23.08.2023 Physical Verification Notification of M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Make up) R20 & R19 Revaluation Notification of M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Make up) R20 & R19 Notified on 02.08.2023 Physical Verification Notification of B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Make up) R18 Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Make up) R18 Notified on 14.07.2023 Examination Notification of MCA V-Sem (Backlog)R16 Revised MCA II Sem (Main & Backlog)-R20 & R16, MCA I Sem (Supple & Backlog)-R20 Notified on 12.07.2023 Revised Examination Notification of MBA II Sem (Main & Backlog)-R20 & R16 and MBA I Sem (Supple & Backlog) -R20 Notified on 11.07.2023 Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech I to VI Sem (Backlog) R18 & R16, B.E/B.Tech I/IV I-sem to III/IV II-Sem (Backlog) R13 Revaluation Notification of B.E/B.Tech I to VI Sem (Backlog) R18 & R16, B.E/B.Tech I/IV I-sem to III/IV II-Sem (Backlog) R13 Notified on 05.07.2023 Physical Verification of ME./M.Tech III-Semester (Make up) R20 Revaluation Notification of ME./M.Tech III-Semester (Make up) R20 Notified on 05.07.2023 B.E/B.Tech II Sem (Main)-R22 (22-Batch & B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Supple) -R22 (22-Batch)Exam Notification ME./M.Tech II-Semester (Main & Backlog) R20 Exam Notification Notified on 04.07.2023 ME./M.Tech I-Semester (Make Up) R20 Exam Notification Notified on 16.06.2023 B.E/B.Tech VIII-Sem (Makeup) R18 Exam Notification Physical Verification of B.E.B,Tech VIII Sem R18 and VII-Sem(Supple & Backlog)-2023 Revaluation Notifications of B.E.B,Tech VIII Sem R18 and VII-Sem(Supple & Backlog)-2023 Notified on 09.06.2023 B.E/B.TECH IV-SEM (Main) R20 and B.E/B.TECH III-SEM (Supple) R20 Examination Notification M.E/M.TECH IV-SEM Examination Notification MBA IV-Sem (Main & Backlog) R20 & MBA III-Sem (Supple & Backlog) Examination Notification MCA IV-Sem (Main & Backlog) R20 & MCA III-Sem (Supple & Backlog) Examination Notification Notified on 29.05.2023 M.E/M.TECH I-SEM (Main & Backlog) R20 Physical Verification Notification M.E/M.TECH I-SEM (Main & Backlog) R20 Revaluation Notification Notified on 13.05.2023 Revaluation of MBA I Sem (Main & Backlogs) – R20, MCA I-Sem (Main & Backlogs) – R20 & R16 and MCA V-Sem (Backlogs) R16 Physical Verification of MBA I Sem (Main & Backlogs) – R20, MCA I-Sem (Main & Backlogs) – R20 & R16 and MCA V-Sem (Backlogs) R16 Notification on Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Main) - R22 Notification on Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Main) - R22 Notified on 10.05.2023 M.E/M.Tech III-Sem (MAKE UP) R20 Examination Notification Notified on 28.04.2023 Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech III Sem (Main) - R20, Bridge Course Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech III Sem (Main) - R20, Bridge Course Revaluation of MBA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) - R20 Physical Verification of MBA III Sem (Main & Backlogs) - R20 Notified on 15.04.2023 MCA III-SEM (Main and Backlog) Physical Verification Notification MCA III-SEM (Main and Backlog) Revaluation Notification Notified on 13.04.2023 M.E/M.Tech III-SEM (Main and Backlog) Physical Verification Notification M.E/M.Tech III-SEM (Main and Backlog) Revaluation Notification Notified on 13.04.2023 B.E/B.Tech (Bridge Course (Backlogs) Odd and Even Semesters, B.E/B.Tech (Equivalent) subjects (Backlogs) Odd and Even Semesters Notified on 10.04.2023 B.E/B.Tech V Sem (Suppl) R20 (2020-21 Batch),B.E/B.Tech IV Sem (Backlog) R20 (2020-21 Batch),B.E/B.Tech IV Sem (Backlog) R20 (2020-21 Batch),B.E/B.Tech II Sem (Suppl/Backlog) R20 (2020-21 & 2021-22 Batches), B.E/B.Tech I Sem (Backlog) R20 (2020-21 & 2021-22 Batches) Notified on 10.04.2023 B.E/B.Tech VI Sem (Main) R20 (2020-21 Batch) Notified on 18.03.2023 Revised Examination Notification on B.E/B.Tech (I to VIII Sem R18,I to VIII Sem R16,I to IV Sem R13)Backlogs/Equivalent Odd & Even Sem R13,R16,R18 (Backlogs)&Bridge Course Odd & Even Sem(Main & Backlog) R18,R16,R13. Notified on 15.03.2023 Examination Notification on B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Main) R18 Notified on 01.03.2023 Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech V Sem (Main) R20 and I To IV Sem (Supple) R20 & Equivalent Subjects Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech V Sem (Main) R20 and I To IV Sem (Supple) R20 & Equivalent Subjects Notified on 06.02.2023 Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Backlog) R16, IV/IV II-sem (Backlogs) R13, I Sem to VI Sem (Backlogs) R18 & R16, I/IV I Sem to III/IV II Sem (Backlogs) R13, Bridge Course and Equivalent Subjects Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech VIII Sem (Backlog) R16, IV/IV II-sem (Backlogs) R13, I Sem to VI Sem (Backlogs) R18 & R16, I/IV I Sem to III/IV II Sem (Backlogs) R13, Bridge Course and Equivalent Subjects Notified on 25.01.2023 B.E/B.Tech I SEM (Main)-R22 MBA I SEM (Backlog)-R20&R19, MBA III SEM (Backlog)-R19 MBA I SEM (Main)-R20 MCA I SEM (Backlog)-R20&R16, MCA III & V SEM (Backlog)-R16 MCA I SEM (Main)-R20 M.E/M.Tech I SEM (Backlog)-R20 M.E/M.Tech I SEM (Main)-R20 Pysical Verification of M.E/M.Tech II-SEM(Makeup)-R20 Pysical Verification of B.E/B.Tech VII-SEM(Main & Backlog)-R18, B.E/B.Tech IV/IV I-SEM(Backlog)-R13 Revaluation M.E/M.Tech II SEM (Makeup)Examination-R20 Revaluation B.E/B.Tech VII SEM (Main&Backlog)-R18, B.E/B.Tech IV/IV I SEM(Backlog) R13 Notified on 12.01.2023 M.E/M.TECH IV-SEM (Supple) Dissertation Notification Notified on 06.01.2023 MBA III-SEM (MAIN) R20 Regulations Exam Fee Notification MBA III-SEM (BACKLOG) R20 Regulations Exam Fee Notification Notified on 05.01.2023 B.E/B.TECH, B.E/B.TECH(BRIDGE COURSE), MCA & M.E/M.TECH III-SEM (MAIN) R20 Regulations Exam Fee Notification B.E/B.TECH(BRIDGE COURSE), MCA & M.E/M.TECH III-SEM (BACKLOG) R20 Regulations Exam Fee Notification Notified on 06.12.2022 Examination Notification of M.E/M.TECH II SEM (Makeup) R20 Notified on 15.11.2022 Physical Verification Notification of M.E/M.Tech II SEM (Main & Backlog) R20Revaluation Notification of M.E/M.Tech II SEM (Main & Backlog) R20 Notified on 14.11.2022 Examination Notification of B.E/B.Tech V Sem (Main) R20 & I TO IV Sem (Supple & Backlog)R20 Notified on 07.11.2022 Revaluation for B.E/B.Tech II Sem(Main & Backlog)R20,B.E/B.Tech I Sem(Supple & Backlog)R20 Physical Verification for B.E/B.Tech II Sem(Main & Backlog)R20,B.E/B.Tech I Sem(Supple & Backlog)R20Revaluation for MBA I & II Sem (Main & Backlog) R20,R19&R16, MCA I Sem (Suppl) & II Sem (Main & Backlog)R20Physical Verification for MBA I & II Sem (Main & Backlog) R20,R19&R16, MCA I Sem (Suppl) & II Sem (Main & Backlog)R20 Notified on 20.10.2022 B.E/B.Tech. VII Sem(Main) R18,I to VII SEM(Backlog) R18,I to VIII Sem(Backlog) R16,I/IV I Sem to IV/IV II Sem(Blocklog),EQVT.Bridgecourse)Notification of Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech IV sem (Main)R20,VIII-sem (makeup)R18,III-sem (Supple)R20 Notification of Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech IV sem (Main)R20,VIII-sem (makeup)R18,III-sem (Supple)R20 Notification of Revaluation of M.E/M.Tech III sem (Makeup).Notification of Physical Verification of M.E/M.Tech III sem (Makeup). Notified on 15.10.2022 Notification of Physical Verification of MBA_MCA III-Sem(Suppl & Backlog),IV-Sem(Main)-R20 Notification of Revaluation of MBA_MCA III-Sem(Suppl & Backlog), IV-Sem(Main)-R20 Notification of Physical Verification of M.E./M.Tech. I-Sem(Makeup)-R20 & R19 Notification of Revaluation of M.E./M.Tech. I-Sem(Makeup)-R20 & R19 Notified on 16.09.2022 Notification of M.E/M.TECH II-SEM(Main & Suppl),R20 Notified on 13.08.2022 M.E_M.TECH I-Sem-Makeup-Exam notification Notified on 13.08.2022 B.E_B.Tech II-Sem Exam Notification Notified on 11.08.2022 MBA_MCA II Semester (Main & Suppl) R20- Exam fee notification Notified on 03.08.2022 Notification of Physical verification of B.E_B.Tech VI Sem -Aug, 2022 Notification of Revaluation of B.E B.Tech VI Sem-Aug, 2022 Notified on 01.08.2022 B.E B.Tech VIII SEM- Makeup Exams Notification Notified on 26.07.2022 MBA and MCA III Sem Supply Exam Fee Notification Notified on 16.07.2022 MBA IV Sem (Main & Backlogs) (R20, R19 & R16) & MCA IV Sem (Main) (R20) Exam Fee Notification Notified on 07.07.2022 Notification of Physical Verification of B.E_B.Tech-VIII Sem(Main_R18) Notification of Revaluation of B.E_B.Tech-VIII Sem(Main-R18) Notification of Physical Verification of M.E_M.Tech-I Sem(Main) - R20, R19 Notification of Revaluation of M.E_M.Tech-I Sem(Main) - R20, R19 ********************************************************************* Notified on 05.07.2022 Submission of Application form for Honors/Additional Minor Engineering Degree ********************************************************************* Notified on 30.06.2022 Notification of ME MTECH Dissertation (phase-1&2) ********************************************************************* Notified on 29.06.2022 Notification of ME MTECH III SEM MAKEUP- R20 ********************************************************************* Notified on 13.06.2022 Notification of Physical Verification of MCA I SEM, MBA I and MBA III SEM (Main & Backlogs) - R20 Notification of Revaluation of MCA I SEM, MBA I SEM and MBA III SEM (Main & Backlogs) - R20 Notification of Physical Verification of BE_B.Tech I SEM (Main & Backlogs) - R20 Notification of Revaluation of BE_B.Tech I SEM (Main & Backlogs) - R20 ********************************************************************* Notified on 08.06.2022 BE/B.Tech IV SEM June, 2022 - Exam fee Notification ********************************************************************* Notified on 01.06.2022 Notification of Revaluation of MCA III SEM (Main-R20) Notification of Physical Verification of MCA III SEM (Main-R20) ********************************************************************* Notified on 31.05.2022 Notification of Revaluation of B.E/B.Tech III SEM(Main-R20),II-Sem(Backlogs-R20) Notification of Physical Verification of B.E/B.Tech III SEM(Main - R20) Notification of Revaluation of M.E/M.Tech III SEM(Main - R20) Notification of Physical Verification of M.E/M.Tech III SEM(Main - R20) ********************************************************************** Notified on 10.05.2022 MCA VI SEM (SUPPLY & BACKLOGS) - Exam fee notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 02.05.2022 Exam fee notification - VI and VIII SEM Regular (Main & Backlogs) ********************************************************************** Notified on 22.04.2022 MCA VI SEM - Exam fee notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 13.04.2022 M.E/M.Tech I Sem (Main & Backlogs) R20 Examination fee notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 01.04.2022 Notification of Revaluation Verification of B.E/ B.Tech VII and V SEM (Main and Backlogs) Notification of Physical Verification of B.E/ B.Tech VII and V SEM (Main and Backlogs) Notification of Revaluation Verification of M.E/ M.Tech (Makeup - R20, R19) Notification of Physical Verification of M.E/ M.Tech (Makeup - R20, R19) ********************************************************************** Notified on 04.03.2022 B.E. / B.Tech I Semester (R20) - (Main & Backlogs) - Exam Fee Notification MBA/MCA I-Semester (R20) - (Main & Backlogs) - Exam Fee Notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 22.02.2022 MBA & MCA - III SEM - Exam fee notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 07.02.2022 M.E_M.Tech III Sem (R20)Exam Notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 03.02.2022 Revaluation Verification Notification of MCA V Sem (Main & Backlogs) R16 - Dec, 2021Physical Verification Notification of MCA V Sem (Main & Backlogs) R16 - Dec, 2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 02.02.2022 Re-scheduled Examinations of BE./B.Tech (Supplementary/Backlog) originally scheduled from 08-01-2022 to 21-01-2022.Revised Schedules of Class Tests and Semester End Practical Exams of B.E./B.Tech, M.E./M.Tech, MBA & MCA ********************************************************************** Notified on 29.12.2021 Fee Notification for B.E_B.Tech. III Semester (R20 - Main) and (R20 - Main & Backlog) Bridge Course Examination ********************************************************************** Notified on 09.12.2021 ME M.Tech II Sem (Makeup) R20 notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 03.12.2021 M.E/M.Tech Dissertation Notification ********************************************************************** Notified on 18.11.2021 Physical Verification Notification for ME_MTECH-II Sem- Oct 2021Physical Verification Notification for MCA_MBA-II_Sem R20,R16-2021Revaluation of ME_MTECH-II Sem - Oct 2021Revaluation of MCA_MBA-II_Sem R20,R16-2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 01.11.2021 Notification for MCA Odd Sem Regular (Main & Backlogs)- Dec 2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 29.10.2021 Notification for B.E. /B.Tech V and VII Sem (Main) and Backlogs 2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 22.10.2021 Physical Verification Notification of BE_B.Tech II Sem_MBA, MCA-2021Revaluation of BE_B.Tech II Sem-2021Revaluation of MBA III Sem_MCA I_III I Sem-2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 13.10.2021 Physical Verification Notification of BE_B.Tech II Sem_MBA, MCA-2021Revaluation of BE_B.Tech II Sem-2021Revaluation of MBA III Sem_MCA I_III I Sem-2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 13.09.2021 Revaluation of BE_B.Tech-IV,VI Sem (Main & Backlog) Notification-2021B.E_B.Tech VIII Sem Makeup Examination 2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 23.08.2021 ME/M.Tech II Sem (Main) & I Sem (makeup) Examination -R20 ********************************************************************** Notified on 19.08.2021 MBA I Sem(Supply) & II Sem (Main & Supply) - Examination circularMCA I Sem(Supply) & II Sem (Main & Supply) - Examination circular ********************************************************************** Notified on 24.07.2021 Revaluation of BE. VIII Sem R16, B.Tech VIII Sem R19, (Main & Backlog)Revaluation of MBA IV Sem (Main) - R19, MCA IV Sem (Main) - R16 ********************************************************************** Notified on 15.07.2021 BE_BTECH-II SEM (R20, Main & Supply)-Examination Circular Revaluation of MBA I Sem (Main & Backlogs), MCA I Sem (Main) - R20, R19 & R16 Revaluation of ME/M.Tech I Sem (Main) - R20, R19 & R16 ********************************************************************** Notified on 01.07.2021 ME-M.Tech IV Sem 2020 Dissertation MBA_MCA_odd-Sem_supple_2021- google forms ********************************************************************** Notified on 30.06.2021 BTech-II Sem and Odd Sem-2020-21-Backlogs-R13, R16 and R18 - Revised BE_BTECH - I SEM REVALUTION-Revised BE_BTECH - I SEM Physical Verification - Revised ********************************************************************** Notified on 22.06.2021 BE-BTech-II Sem-2020-21-Equivalent and Bridge Course(Main & Backlogs)-R13, R16 and R18 BE-BTech-II Sem and Odd Sem-2020-21-Backlogs-R13, R16 and R18 ********************************************************************** Notified on 12.05.2021 BE-BTech Even Sem 2020-21 Main and Backlogs - Examinations Circular MBA Even Sem 2020-21 Main and Backlogs - Examinations Circular MCA Even Sem 2020-21 Main and Backlogs - Examinations Circular BE/BTech Application Form MBA & MCA Application Form ********************************************************************** Notified on 27.04.2021 ME/M.Tech I Sem II Mid Examinations Circular May 2021 ********************************************************************** Notified on 24.04.2021 MBA EXAM NOTIFICATION-PAYMENT PROCESS-APPLICATION FORM MCA EXAM NOTOFICATION-PAYMENT PROCESS-APPLICATION FORM ME-MTECH EXAM NOTIFICATION-PAYMENT PROCESS-APPLICATION FORM MBA & MCA Application Form ME-M.Tech Application Form
CBIT Exam Fee payment step by step process
********************************************************************** BE-BTECH-I-SEM-(Main & Backlog)(R20 &R18)-REVALUATION Notified on 19-06-2021 BE-BTECH-I-SEM-(Main & Backlog)(R20 &R18)-PHYSICAL VERIFICATION Notified on 19-06-2021 ME-MTECH-II SEM-MAKEUP-REVALUATION ME-MTECH-II SEM-MAKEUP-PHYSICAL VERIFICATION BE-BTECH-MBA-MCA-ODD SEMESTER-REVALUATION M.E/M.TECH IIISEM MAKEUP Exam Notification March 2021 Revaluation of BE /B.Tech - II, IV & VI Semester, MBA - II, MCA - II and IV Semester(main) Revaluation of ME/MTECH- III-Sem (Main) B.E-B.TECH R20M-R18B AND MCA R16B I SEM EXAM NOTIFICATION M.E/M.TECH II SEM Make up Exam Notification 2021 Revised Circular - Extended fee payment Date for All Backlog students ME/M.Tech Revaluation Notification for Backlogs Exams -Dec 2020 ME/M.Tech Physical Verification Notification for Backlogs Exams -Dec 2020 Notification for submission of M.E/M.Tech - II Dissertation (SPELL-2) CIRCULAR - Detention List of Odd Semester 2020-21 CIRCULAR - Condonation List of Odd Semester - 2020-21 Circular - Extended last date for Exam fee payment for backlog Exams-Dec 2020 Physical Verification - Supply Backlog Dec 2020 Revaluation - Supply Backlog Dec 2020 Notification for Bridge course of BE-BTech III Sem - Main & Backlogs Dated 21-12-2020 ME/M.TECH III SEM NOTIFICATION Dated 11-12-2020 REVISED BE-BTECH-MBA-MCA-ODD SEMESTER-EXAM NOTIFICATION Dated 11-12-2020 Odd Semester Exam Notification - BE-BTECH-MBA-MCA Dated:10-12-2020 BE/B.Tech VIII Semester Makeup Examination Notification 2020 Revaluation of BE/B.Tech VIII Semester (Main) & MBA IV Semester (Main & Backlog) dated 10-11-2020 Notification for ME/M.Tech. IV Semester Dissertation - dated 10-07-20 Notification for Exam fee BE-MBA-MCA-ME/MTECH II-Sem 2020 BE/B.Tech, MBA and MCA Examination Notification ME/M.TECH Makeup Examination Notification Notification for Physical Verification and Revaluation of ME/M.Tech Notification for Physical Verification and Revaluation of MBA & MCA BE/B.Tech/MBA/MCA Even Sem Exam Notification Feb 2020 Revaluation of BE/B.Tech-I Semester(Main & Backlogs) Dec2019-Jan2020 Physical Verification of BE/B.Tech-I Semester(Main & Backlogs) Dec2019-Jan2020 Revaluation and Physical Verification of BE/B.Tech & MCA/MBA (Odd Semester) Notification for Submission of ME/M.Tech Dissertations (Spell-2) Notification for Exam Fee of ME/M.Tech - I Semester (Main & Backlogs) Notification for Examination Fees of BE/B.Tech. I Semister (Main&backlogs) Notification for Examination Fee of MBA and MCA - I Semester (Main&backlogs) Revaluation and Physical Verification Notification for ME/M.Tech-II Sem (makeup) Revised Notification for Odd Semester Examination Fees MBA_III_Sem_Exam fee Notification ME_MT_II_Sem_makeup_19 BE_BT_Adv Supple_Physical Verification BE_BT_Adv Supple_Revaluation BE_BT_MCA_Odd Sem_Main BE_BT_MCA_Odd Sem_Main Physical VerificationBE_4b4_makeup_19 Revaluation BE_4b4_makeup_19 ME/M.TECH- II SEMESTER (MAIN&BACKLOGS) - REVALUATION AND PHYSICAL VERIFICATION ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTARY / BACKLOG EXAMINATION NOTIFICATION Notification_Makeup Exam 4-4 BE/B.Tech - IV/IV - II Semester 2-Notification of PHY RV of BE-BTECH-MBA-MCA 1-Notification of RV of BE-BTECH-MBA-MCA
Department of MCA and CSE at Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, in Association with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, NITTTR, Chandigarh is Jointly Organizing a One Week Online Short Term Course on “NEP AND ITS...
The Department of CET (IoT & Cyber Security including Blockchain), ECE and MCA at Chaitanya Bharathi Insititute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, in Association with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, NITTTR, Chandigarh is Jointly Organizing a One Week...
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organizes Short Term Training Program (Value added Course) on Upgrading Skills in Java Programming Dates: (15th, 22nd, 29th March, 2025, 12th April, 2025, and 13th April, 2025) Time: 09.30 AM to 04.30 PM Registration...
Department of EEE is organizing an Indo-US Workshop titled "Advancing Distributed Generation: Renewable Integration, Impacts, and Smart Grid Solutions" Dates : 10th to 14th March 2025 Registration Link: https://forms.gle/5Lx6hUo49FrSQqDA6 Download Brochure!! [pdf-embedder url="https://www.cbit.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/EEE-Indo-US-Workshop-Brochure-05.03.2025.pdf" title="EEE Indo-US Workshop Brochure 05.03.2025"]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering is Organizing a Faculty Development Programme on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality(AR/VR) Date : 3rd March 2025 to 7th March 2025 REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/6cnM7BUHWhLruakt9 Download Brochure!! [pdf-embedder url="https://www.cbit.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/CSE_FDP_AR-VR19.02.2025.pdf"]
About Shruthi-2025: National Students Fest 04 – 05 March 2025 Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology proudly announces Shruthi-2025, “HALCYON”: The Ultimate Celebration of Innovation, Talent, and Unity, a students’ cultural fest from 06-08 March 2025. With the theme “HALCYON”, inspired by...
Shruthi - 2025!! | Circular reg. Students Discipline in the campus during the Annual Techno, Sports and Cultural Fests About Sudhee-2025: National Students Fest 04 – 05 March 2025 The Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology proudly announces SUDHEE – 2025, “VIGYAN...
Ethical Hacking and Bug Bounty Workshop | CBIT 🚀 Unlock the world of cybersecurity with this hands-on workshop! Join us for a 2-day immersive Ethical Hacking & Bug Bounty Workshop organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at...
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning & Praheti Racing SAE - CBIT is Organizing a Five-Day workshop On “TechfusionX EV Saksham” in association with Capabl (from Elite Group Technologies) Dates: 20th to 24th February, 2025 Mode of sessions:...
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning & Praheti Racing SAE - CBIT is Organizing a Four-Day workshop On “TechfusionX GenAI Saksham” in association with Capabl (from Elite Group Technologies) Dates:15th–16th & 22nd – 23rd, February, 2025 Mode of...
Department of Mechanical Engineering in Association with National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Aurangabad is organizing a Five Days Boot Camp on "CAD Design to 3D Printing-Foundation Details". Date: February 17th -21st, 2025 Physical Mode Registration Link: https://forms.gle/bjdxhJmtvm37vWrw9...
Department of Computer Engineering & Technology Organizes a Bootcamp on Emerging Trends in Mobile Security. Dates : 1st February to 22nd February 2025 FACULTY COORDINATORS Smt. P. Vimala Manohara Ruth, Asst. Prof., CET Dept. Smt.Kavita Agarwal, Asst. Prof., CET Dept....
Department of School of Management Studies and Mechanical Engineering is organizing International Conference on Transforming Education: Exploring the Impact of E-Learning Platforms in Bharat for Vision Viksit Bharat @2047, Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. Date & Mode: 14th – 15th...
Department of IT in association with SCRS & CSI is organizing a A Two-Week Online International Short-Term Training Program (ISTTP) on "AI-Driven Autonomous Systems: Applications and Innovations" Dates: 27th January to 8th February, 2025 STTP REGISTRATION: Free for SCRS and...
The Chaitanya Spandana Club is a dynamic platform dedicated to fostering the cultural and social spirit of Hyderabad, giving students the opportunity to engage, express, and enhance their voices through various mediums. As a part of this initiative, Voice of Hyderabad...
Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Artifical Intelligence and Data Science is organizing a Two Day Workshop on "Utility of PolaRx5S Scintillation Monitoring Receiver for Advanced Research" (DST-SERB SSR Programme) Dates & Venue : 14 & 15 February 2025,...
The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(AIML), Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology(CBIT), Hyderabad In Association With Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal is organizing a 10 Days Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) On “Advanced Machine Learning Techniques: From Concepts to Real-World Implementation” from 3rd-12th February...
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.cbit.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/International-Conference-SMS-1.pdf" title="International Conference SMS (1)"] Department of School of Management Studies is Organizing a International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion: Pathways to VisionViksit Bharat @2047 Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. Dates : 6th - 7th February 2025...
Hexagon online Exam Placement Circular on 29.09.2022
Modak PPT Placement Circular on 29.09.2022
Dravin Engineering Private Limited PPT, online Exam Interviews Placement Circular on 29 & 30.09.2022
Barclays PPT, online Exam & Interviews Placement Circular on 16 & 18.08.2022
ITC Limited Interview Placement Circular on 16.06.2022
Centra Hub PPT, Group Discussion & Interviews Placement Circular on 10.06.2022
Invesco online Exam Placement Circular on 25.05.2022
L&T Technology Services Ltd online Exam Placement Circular on 24.05.2022
ITC LTD online Exam Placement Circular on 24.05.2022
CBIT industry linkage: Industry institute under the Following heads are carried out. Industry MOUs – Activities CII Activites Industry Institute Cell Activities Placements Internships. For more information click here
Invesco - online Interviews Circular on 16.05.2022
BeautifulCode-PPT,Written Test & Interviews Placement Circular on 16.05.2022
Blue Danio Sea Services Interview Placement Circular on 03.05.2022
Sirpur Paper Mills (JK Paper) Interviews Placement Circular on 11.04.2022
Alliantgroup Face-to-Face Interview Placement Circular on 23&24..03.2022 Deepsea Technology Interview Placement Circular on 23.03.2022
Berkadia PPT, Online Exam & Interview Placement Circular on 14 & 16.03.2022 Byjus GD & Personal Interview Placement Circular on 14 & 16.03.2022
Intellipaat Group Discussion Placement Circular on 16.03.2022 Sirpur Paper Mills (JK Paper) Online Exam & Interview Placement Circular on 15.03.2022 Kore.ai In-Person Programming Test Placement Circular on 14.03.2022 Byjus GD & Personal Interview Placement Circular on 11 & 12.03.2022
Deepsea PPT & Offline Exam Placement Circular on 09.03.2022 Pepsico PPT & Online Exam Placement Circular on 09.03.2022
Virtual Prop HR Interview Placement Circular on 25.02.2022 Sigoverseas BDE Role Interview Placement Circular on 25.02.2022 Hdworks PMO Role HR Interview Placement Circular on 24.02.2022
BlueStar Pre-Placement Placement Circular on 10.02.2022 Jaro Educaiton GD & PI Placement Circular on 10.02.2022 Hestabit Online Test Placement Circular on 10.02.2022 Kore.ai Pre-Placement Talk Placement Circular on 09.02.2022
Packetpre Second Round Online Test Placement Circular on 04.02.2022 Orient cement Online Exam & Interview Placement Circular on 02 & 03.02.2022 DataNimbus Online Exam & Interview Placement Circular on 02 & 03.02.2022 Head Works Online Interviews Placement Circular on 02.02.2022
DataNimbus Online Coding Test & Interview Placement Circular on 28 & 31.01.2022 Hitachi Energy PPT, Online Exam Placement Circular on 27.01.2022 Bizauity Online Exam Placement Circular on 21.01.2022
Admission Notification of Special round for M.E/M.Tech through TS PGECET - 2021
Brane Enterprises Pvt Ltd HR Interview Placement Circular on 05.01.2022 Hyundai-Transys HR Interviews Placement Circular on 05.01.2022 Samsung HR Interview Placement Circular on 04.01.2022
Samsung Online Exam Placement Circular on 27.12.2021 Hexagon HR Interviews Placement Circular on 27 & 28.12.2021 DHL Supply Chain India Pvt. Ltd., Internship Placement Circular on 28.12.2021
Hexagon Online Test Placement Circular JPMC 2023 Hiring Meeting Placement Circular Samsung Online Exam Placement Circular
EAMCET-B-2021(Biotech-BiPC) – Admission Guidelines
Spot Admissions BE-BTech 01-12-2021 A-Category (Convener Quota)
Orientation Programme for B.E./B.Tech. Ist Year Students
TS ICET -Admission Guidelines 2021
EAMCET 2021 – Admission Guidelines
CBIT - Spot Admissions to be held on 20.11.2021 under 'B' Category seats for the Academic Year 2021-22
Vacancies for 'B' Category Spot Admissions(B.E/B.Tech.courses) to be held on 13.11.2021
L & T Technology Services -HR Interviews Placement Circular on 10.11.2021
XIT Solutions - Interviews Placement Circular on 10.11.2021
ANZ - Written Test and Interviews Placement Circular on 10.11.2021
ANZ - PPT Placement Circular on 08.11.2021
EAMCET 2021 – Admission Guidelines
L & T Technology Services -2nd Technical Test Placement Circular on 28,29,30.10.2021
Advance Auto Parts - online Exam Placement Circular on 29.10.2021
EPAM-online coding Challenge Test Placement Circular on 31.10.2021
Drawinbox -Interview Placement Circular on 29.10.2021
HCL Technologies (PG) -Interviews Placement Circular on 28.10.2021
Outstanding Alumni Nominations 2021 Click here to download the form
Sahaj Software Solutions - Online exam Placement Circular on 27.10.2021
Advance Auto Parts - PPT Placement Circular on 27.10.2021
Hitachi Vantara - Online exam Placement Circular on 27.10.2021
Eleation -PPT,Online exam & Interviews Placement Circular on 27.10.2021
VISA Inc -Interviews Placement Circular 27.10.2021
HCL Technologies -Interviews Placement Circular on 27.10.2021
Cyient -online Exam Placement Circular on 26.10.2021
Physical Verification Notification of BE_B.Tech II Sem_MBA, MCA-2021 |||| Revaluation of BE_B.Tech II Sem-2021 |||| Revaluation of MBA III Sem_MCA I_III I Sem-2021
Ford Motors Pvt Ltd -Online exam Circular on 22.10.2021
PwC Acceleration Center Interviews Placement Circular on 21.10.2021
Keka -Online exam Placement Circular on 21.10.2021
Nutanix -PPT & Online exam Placement on 20.10.2021
Deloitte Tax -Interviews Placement Circular on 21.10.2021
Techmojo Solutions Pvt Ltd – PPT, Online exam & Interviews Placement Circular on 20 &21.10.2021
Verity Knowledge Solutions -Online exam Placement Circular on 20.10.2021
Wipro Revised Compensation Orientation Sessions Placement Circular on 19.10.2021
VISA Inc -PPT & Online exam Placement Circular on 19 & 22.10.2021
spot admissions notification of Category B admissions
Drawinbox -Online exam Placement Circular on 20.10.2021
Wipro Personal & Home Care Private Limited- online exam & Interviews Placement Circular on 13.10.2021
GE Appliances - HR Interview Placement Circular on 13.10.2021
MTX Group Inc. -Online exam Placement Circular on 19.10.2021
L & T Technology Services -Technical Test Placement Circular on 18.10.2021
DeltaX -Online exam Placement Circular on 13.10.2021
GMM Pfaudler Ltd online exam & Interviews Placement Circular on 12 &13.10.2021
spot admissions notification of Category B admissions
2nd selection list for admission into B.E/B.Tech Courses under Category 'B' for the Academic Year 2021-22.
Pega Systems online Exam Process on 09-10-2021
National Level Math E-Quiz 2021
Oracle Internship Interviews Process on 02-10-2021 & 19-10-2021
GE Appliances Pitch Out Session & Online Test Process on 04-10-2021
Salesforce PPT, Online Exam & Interviews Process on 04th & 05th Oct-2021
B-Category Admissions 2021-22 ,Last date for submission of applications extended till 05-10-2021 upto 6:00 P.M.
EPAM Online Exam & Interview Process on 18.09.2021
GAP Inc. Technology Center Online Exam & Interviews Process on 19.09.2021
Larsen Toubro Infotech Ltd (LTI) Online Exam Placement on 12.09.2021
Searce – PPT & online Exam Placement on 03.09.2021
Wipro – online Exam Placement on 03.09.2021
Accenture Pre-Placement Talk, Online Exam & Interviews Process on 07th September-2021
Factset Placement postponed. Placement date intimate later.
CBIT NOTICE for students seeking admission during 2021-22
Deloitte Online Exam on 17.08.2021
Salarpuria Sattva Interview Placement on 13.08.2021
Chryso (I) Pvt Ltd Online Test & Interview Placement on 05.08.2021
NCL Industries Online Exam Placement on 20.07.2021
International Day of Yoga Celebrations at CBIT
Capgemini Tech Challenge 2021
Deepsea Technologies Inc Interview Placement on 28.05.2021
Clarification regarding Fee against TAFRC – Press Note
Class Test - I for B.E/ B.Tech II Sem (All Programmes) BE BTech - II Sem - Class Test-I Timetable Instructions to Students
Torrent Gas PPT & Online Exam Circular on 21.05.2021
Feedback - BE - BTech VIII Semester
Circular - B. E. / B. Tech. IV & VI Semesters Class Work and Examination
Circular - Completion of Course End Surveys, Program Exit Surveys and conduction of Lab Sessions
JK Paper Interview Placement Circular on 19.05.2021
Examinations Notifications - BE/BTech, MBA and MCA (more…)
Revised Circular regarding the commencement of Classwork for PG
Internships Guidelines & Affidavit format for Official Internships
Revised Almanac 2020-21