All the Bonafide Students and Staff members of CBIT are eligible for membership and use the services of Library & Information Centre.
Application for membership should be made on the prescribed form which can be had from the Library’s Information Desk.
All the registered members are called the users of Library..
The Library is primarily for the use of Faculty, Research Scholars, Students, and Non-Teaching employees of the Institute.
On special request, outsiders (Students, Faculty, Research scholars of other Colleges) are also permitted for a shorter period for research with written permission from the Librarian on the basis of a letter from the concerned Department / Institute.
The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to CBIT Staff & Students only
An over due charge will be collected for returning the books after the due date.
Library currently has 3200 student members and 350 staff members.
Newly Admitted Students and their Parents can avail College Transport for attending Orientation Program scheduled tomorrow i.e., 04-09-2023 at 9:30 a.m in college premises.
ET Campus Stars 6.0 2022-23
Congratulations on a stupendous achievement of Dhruv saxena,CSE,3rd year at ET Campus Stars 6.0 – India’s largest hunt for the brightest engineering talent.
Welcome to CBIT!! Your journey toward a brighter future starts from NOW ON!! With US…. The Management,Faculty and Staff cordially invite parents and students to the Freshers(B.E/B.Tech Admitted under 'A' and 'B' Categories) Orientation Program on November 4th,2022, 10:00 A.M at CBIT.
'A' Category (Convener Quota) Spot Admissions
Welcome to CBIT!! Your journey toward a brighter future starts from NOW ON!! With US…. The Management,Faculty and Staff cordially invite parents and students to the Freshers(B.E/B.Tech) Orientation Program on November 4th,2022, 9:00 A.M at CBIT.