Subject Code | Subject Name | Faculty Name |
16EC E18 | VLSI Technology (Program Specific Elective-6) | Dr.M.Ramana Reddy |
16ME O01 | Entrepreneurship (Open Elective-7) | Smt. Ipsitha Mohanty |
16EG O02 | Gender Sensitization (Open Elective-7) | Smt. A. VIJAYALAKSHMI |
16CS O10 | Machine Learning Using Python (Open Elective-7) | Smt.E.Swathi |
16CE O02 | Disaster Mitigation and Management (Open Elective-8) | Dr. A. Vimala |
16CS O06 | Fundamentals of DBMS (Open Elective-8) | Sri. R. Srikanth |
16EC C39 | Seminar | Dr.P.Sathish / Smt.D.Sony |
16EC C40 | Project | Dr.K.Suman / Sri.T.Aravinda Babu / Sri. E.Chandrasekhar / Dr. M Raj Kumar Naik |