“We look for the best talent to join us at CBIT, so our hiring process is thorough and purposeful. It ensures that we recruit the right people, and that you have a complete understanding of who we are, what we do, and what we expect from you. We make sure the Staff is provided with the right environment in terms of Teaching and Research.
The Institute pays 7th CPC scales to the faculty.
To ensure that everybody who is interested in joining our team has equal opportunity and ability to start their journey, we have made sure our hiring process is flexible and accessible. From the application to interviews, our team will adapt to your needs and what works best to help you show us your best.
Related to Recruitment
The decision of Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection (Contract/Regular) , cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Filling up of the vacancies are solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability / insufficient number of candidates.
Any given advertisement may be processed or cancelled at the discretion of the Management depending on the internal/external factors.
Instructions to Apply for the faculty Positions in CBIT.
Note : Submit the supporting documents in .pdf format while filling application form
General Information
This is a standing advertisement with no specific requirement on when a candidate can submit an online application. Online applications are accepted throughout the year. CBIT invites applications from Indian nationals who are exceptionally bright and motivated, with an established record of academics, high quality research and commitment to teaching for positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the following Departments.
Interested candidates may apply through online portal and attach the relevant certificates/ documents asked. If a candidate is interested in applying to more than one department/post, she/he should submit separate application for each of the department/post of interest. Applications are welcome throughout the year and they will be taken up for screening for interview from time to time. Recruitment will be based on the need in given areas within the department. However, exceptionally meritorious candidates in any area of specialization pertaining to the said department will also be considered.
The institute reserves the right to fill or not fill any or all of the advertised posts. Mere fulfilment of the qualifications and experience requirement does not entitle the candidate to be called for an interview.
Required Qualifications
The required qualifications for each post will be as per the AICTE norms released under the 7th CPC.
Post Graduate / Graduate with 1st class from any recognized University with Vendor Management, Purchase Management and Supply Chain with a minimum of 8 years of experience at Managerial Level in similar discipline. Regular mode of education in Bachelors and Post Graduation is preferred. Preferably with knowledge of working in an Educational Institution. A stronghold in Industry interface will be an advantage. Knowledge in technical equipment purchases will be preferred.
Filled in applications along with other credentials can be sent to and
We are looking for a “YOGA Instructor” who can set up a yoga center in the college and take up sessions to the staff and students. Interested applicants may send their detailed profiles to & Shortlisted applications will be called for an interview with prior intimation.
We are hiring potential candidates for the posts of 1. Center Head 2. Young professional 3. Makerspace coordinator for our ACIC-CBIT Research and Entrepreneurship Foundation. Application forms, Qualifications, Roles along with salary for each posts are attached below. Interested candidates can also forward their resumes to,,
Post Details | No of posts | Application Form |
CENTER HEAD, ACIC-CBIT | 01 | Download |
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL | 01 | Download |
Application last date for the Regular Teaching Staff has been extended to 25th January’21
Recruitment Hall tickets – Computer Operator & Junior Assistant
Advertisement for the Post of Principal
Qualifications for the Post of Principal
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Instructions to Apply for the Faculty Positions in CBIT
Attention Please : Last Date to Submit your Application has been Extended to 30th June, 2020.
Appointment Notification for Principal, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors